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Marijuana & Multiple Sclerosis
vous voulez rire, alors mate ça!!
This farmers market in Los Angeles may look like any other.<br/> <br />But the farmers are growers of marijuana for medical uses and this is the first market in California state where they can sell direct to the public.<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE)(English) SHAND CORONADO, CO-FOUNDER OF COMPANY WHICH MAKES MARIJUANA-INFUSED TEA, SAYING:<br/> <br />"We get a lot more people in front of us and a lot more people to talk to and really just get that level of exposure that we're not going to get at a dispensary where they maybe have a hundred customers over the course of a day. Here we see a thousand people."<br/> <br />Currently California residents can buy marijuana legally only through the state's Medical Marijuana Programme and only with a doctor's prescription.<br/> <br />The new market appears to be going down well with customers.<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE)(English) ANDREA HOLMES, MEDICAL MARIJUANA BUYER, SAYING:<br/> <br />"They're trying to get their medication out there so that the public can know what's available to them ins
Read here<br /><br /><br />Read Marijuana: Marijuana Addiction: How to Take Control of Your Life and Quit Smoking Marijuana
music by brian dunn <br />
Trailer to the marijuana man show ..........
Bob marley - smoking marijuana
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on y apprend beaucoup de choses....
Extreme grow room cannabis
Cannabis Festival Brixton 2004
The King of Cannabis 5 - Cannabis Cup Coverage - Trailer
Check this out.
"Au plus fort de mes douleurs, j'avais envie de me supprimer"<br />Depuis 2 ans, Romain et 2000 autres malades expérimentent le cannabis à usage thérapeutique. L'objectif à terme ? Légaliser le cannabis médical pour les patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques.
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Getting Marijuana From The Government